Webinar on Reports within Salon iQ

11 June 2018

Reports for your Salon Business using Salon iQ Software

Salon iQ Software is known for its in-depth reports. Without looking at reports for certain areas of your salon business it can be difficult to know where you are heading and notice where you have room for improvement. 

To view the reports for your salon on Salon iQ software go to (Each of the below categories are broken down again for ease of navigation)

Main Menu -> Reports ->    

– Till
– Clients
– Appointments
– Team
– Salon
– System

This post will go through the following reports on Salon iQ: (Please remember there are many more reports available at your finger tips on Salon iQ software, we will go through these in another webinar)

1. Year on Year
2. ROI
3. Business Summary
4.Till Audit
5. Client Data
6. Booking Performance
7. Promotions Used
8. No-show
9. Cancelled deleted bills

Year on Year – relevant with ideally 2 years worth of data within Salon IQ software. This report shows over/under weekly or monthly previous corresponding dates.

Menu -> Reports -> Salon -> Year on year 

There is quote a a lot to digest in this report however when you become familiar with the layout, it is definitely a report not to miss.

ROI – The all important ROI (Return on Investment)  this report shows 4 key elected to your business for the month selected. These 4 areas are Bookings, GAS (Guest Attraction System), GRS (Guest Retention System) and No Shows.

Menu -> Reports -> System -> Monthly Return on Investment 

Business Summary Report – shows you all of your key business information, accountants love this report. 

Menu -> Dashboards -> Salon -> Click o the Cog (top right hand side) -> Select the dates you wish to view -> Click on the report icon (top right hand side of screen) 

Here you can view a business summary which includes courses sold, promotion used, services total and retail total to name a few. This report is definitely one to become familiar with. You can also view each team members figures individually.

Till Audit  Both these reports allow you to see a breakdown of transactions that have gone through the checkout screen on Salon iQ. 

Menu -> Reports -> Till -> Till Audit by Cash up or Till Audit by date

SMS Report A fab report view if you are sending SMS via Salon IQ software. This report lists all SMS that you are sending, it will view an errors that have appeared while trying to send as well as a description of what the SMS said from your automated appointment menders to your marketing journey for client via SMS.

Main Menu -> Reports -> Systems -> SMS Details

Email report  report to be viewed when you are sending emails from Salon IQ to your clients, again this can be emails for appointment reminders a swell as emails that are sending through your marketing system on guest journey. 

Client Data Check – as salon owners and managers we all understand the struggle of ensuring we have contact details for clients both old and new. With GDPR you are still able to collect this data, you just need the clients consent to do this and store it o to your software.

This report allows you to check that new clients details have been collected and entered onto Salon iQ. It also displays any data that is missing as well as the team member that looked after them, so you can pin point exactly who it is that may not be getting all the information required. 

The hub can be a great way of cutting out pen and paper, putting the hub into ‘Client mode’ on the tablet and letting the client enter their information directly into the hub. 

Menu -> Reports -> Appointments -> Client Missing Details 

Booking Performance – In this report we can view who is making the bookings on Salon iQ, this is a good report to view when you are wanting to check on any favouritism that is going on. Or If one person is booking in lots of appointments for particular team members.

Main Menu -> Reports -> Appointments -> Booking Performance

Price Over Ride – This is a really good report and one that I look at nearly every day, or at least every other day. On this report you are able to select a particular date or a date range if you wish. 

This report views any price that has been edited at checkout, as well as displaying The team member that edited the bill, the reason the for edit, the price that the service or product should have been as well as the price that was actually charged. 

Definitely a report to keep your eyes on. 

Menu -> Reports -> Till -> Price Over rides 

Promotions Used – This report lists all promotions that have been applied to a bill at checkout. I love how this report categorises each team amber with the promotion that was then used with the service. 

It also tells you the discount total along with the total bill value. 

Menu -> Reports – Till -> Promotions Used

No Show – This is another really good report that will give you more than likely surprising information on how many no shows you are getting.

This can be a report that shows you uprising results. The mount of no shows re often over looked but really do cost your salon business. Not only does this report give detailed information of the client that did not show for their appointment but it also gives a summary at the bottom of the report of how many no shows the salon had. Whether they were from new or existing clients and if they were online bookings or regular bookings.

This information allows you to make a business decision on whether a particular booking method is not working. 

For example if you can see from this report that you are getting a lot of clients not turn up from online bookings, then make if you haven’t already you can apply a deposit to be taken for all internet bookings. 

Menu -> Reports -> Appointments ->  No Show Appointments 

Cancelled Deleted Bills – This is a report that allows you to keep an eye on transactions that may have been deleted once they have gone through at checkout. 

Menu -> 

Remember, apart form the reports we have outlined today, there are many other reports available eon Salon iQ that you can use for your business.

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