Salon Email Marketing Ideas

Posted by Tom

at 12:00am on Monday 15th Mar 2021

Email Marketing is an extremely effective strategy for marketing your salon, and in this article we give more information on email marketing ideas that will work for your salon.

There are many different ideas you can choose when it comes to marketing your salon but one area we have always found extremely effective for salons is email marketing. As salon owners ourselves, we understand how important it is for a salon to keep their loyal customer base informed and email marketing is a great way of doing this. In this article we will give more detail and information on salon email marketing and how you can utilise this great tool to keep your salons busy!

What can you use email marketing for with your salon?

If you are thinking of using email marketing to promote your salon, here are some easy ways to do so:

Send out deals

Email marketing is a great way of sending out promotional information to your salon clients. As salon owners, we know that there are certain days of the week which are quieter and as a result you may want to fill so you could run a promotion of a half price colour on that day for example. If this sort of promotion is then emailed out to your regular customers you will likely see an increase in bookings for your quieter days.

You can also send promotions around particular dates such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Mother’s Day. And with our software you don’t need to worry as it can be set-up to automatically manage your email marketing for you.

Send birthday messages

Adding a personal touch to your salon clients is important in ensuring you retain them as long-term customers. If you have their birthday information, make them feel valued by sending them a birthday message. And maybe send them a birthday gift, how about as a beauty salon sending out a free manicure on their birthday? Everyone loves getting something for free and they may well book in other treatments or bring their friends along to join them. Either way you are going to end up with a happy, valued customer.

Send rewards

If you run a reward scheme then you can use email marketing to allow your customers to collect their rewards. Whether a discounted haircut, a free treatment or a free product your customers will be happy to receive their rewards, and happy clients are part of your marketing team as they are then more likely to refer you, which leads us to…

Send referral information

If you have a referral system in place for your salon (like Salon IQ’s GAS system) then make sure this is communicated to your customers using email marketing. If they get an incentive for referring a friend then send it straight to their inbox and make it really easy for your customers to refer you.

Using Email Marketing For Your Salon

How best to use email marketing for your salon

So hopefully you now have some good ideas to promote your salon using email marketing, here are some best practice tips when sending emails:

Segment customers

A good tip is to segment your salon customers when using email marketing. If you run a salon that offers a range of services, then go as granular as you can so you have lists for your hair clients, beauty clients, massage clients etc. Not only does this mean you will be sending your message and promotions to the right people, you also use your email software more efficiently by sending less emails overall. It is also worth segmenting current and prospective customers as your messages are likely to be very different for each and the last thing you want is for your existing customers to feel like they are being sold to!

Add your personality

Sending out marketing emails as a salon shouldn’t be a cold, corporate affair. Instead add your personality into your emails. By nature, working in a salon is a vibrant and chatty environment and many of your team will get to know customers very well so make sure this same personality is conveyed in your emails with a friendly, chatty tone and real life images as opposed to stock photography.

Choose a professional template

Make sure you are using a professional template to send your salon email marketing campaigns and importantly, use professional email marketing software as opposed to a bcc email! Not only will this look smarter and more professional but good email marketing software will allow you to track user behaviour. This means you can gauge performance, measure success and plan future campaigns accordingly.

Send out information not just promotions!

One of the biggest mistakes salons make when it comes to email marketing is bombarding their customer base with promotions and new products they don’t want. This just feels like you are selling to them all the time and can eventually put customers off. Of course you can include promotions in your email marketing, but only include it sometimes and include other content like news about your team, information about how you are developing the salon or how about beauty tips and information. This will engage your customers more with your salon and if you are giving them useful information, make them more likely to read future emails.

If you are looking for a way to promote your salon and feel like email marketing could help you promote your salon, then talk to us as we’ve created software that automatically manages your email marketing for you.

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