Salon Appointments Software

20 March 2016

Setting Up Your Own Salon

The beauty industry is booming and if you’re intending to branch out and set up your own salon, prospects can be good. Whether you’ve got already got an established clientele, or you’re starting from scratch, people are always keen to try a new salon.

Many clients consider a hair or beauty salon a sanctuary where they can go to be pampered in a comfortable and relaxing environment; but for some, a trip to the hairdressers can be an ordeal so it’s important that you’re able to offer a professional and friendly service to make them feel at ease so they’ll want to come back.

Good service is the best way to build a sound reputation. For a local salon, there’s no better publicity than word of mouth. However, you can’t survive on talent or reputation alone. As with any new business, you’ll also need to consider the logistics.

Here’s a guide to setting up your own salon. Find Your Niche

Before hiring staff, you’ll need to decide what your salon will be offering:

  • Just hairdressing or also beauty treatments
  • A service for specific clients – women, men, unisex, older clients or clients of all ages
  • Basic cuts and colours or more specialised treatments
  • Specialist colour treatments
  • Bridal hair and makeup


Your budget needs to include the following costs:

  • Rent and utilities
  • New equipment
  • Refurbishment
  • Staff
  • Licences
  • Marketing


Parking facilities or nearby parking are more important than being right on the high street. In fact, many clients prefer a more secluded location. Check with your local authority that you have permission to run a salon from your chosen premises. Health And Safety

You’ll need to comply with health and safety regulations including Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. Prices

Set your prices based on your overheads and your break-even point. Research local competitors; most will have a website and a rates page. Marketing

Ensure you have a website and Facebook business page. You can also distribute leaflets in the local area. Organise an opening with champagne and canapés and invite everyone you know. Software

Your salon needs to be computerised to run smoothly. Specialist salon software can help you to organise appointments and store vital client information such as colours, allergies, preferences, history, images and even how they like their coffee. 

Salon software helps you provide a personal and more professional service by keeping track of every client and their individual requirements.

Salon IQ provides easy and simple to use salon appointments software to ensure the smooth running of your day-to-day business.

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