Salon Appointment Management

8 July 2016

How To Effectively Manage Your Staff

There are many who believe that hairstyling and colouring is an art form. Therefore, the hairdressing and beauty industry tends to attract its fair share of egos. Working in a busy salon can also be stressful and tiring, involving long hours on your feet, pandering to the needs of, sometimes, difficult clients.

So how do salon managers effectively manage their staff to create a perfect balance between satisfied clients and happy employees?

Here’s a few tips for creating harmony and happiness in your salon. Expectations

When hiring new employees, make your expectations clear from the very start, either verbally or in person. Explain your salon culture and ethos so they know exactly what’s expected of them.

Schedule work fairly. If a stylist is particularly talented and sought after, don’t overload their workload one day, while leaving them with a half-empty appointment schedule the next day. Good scheduling and organisation are needed if you want to keep a decent stylist. Communication

As manager you have to strike a balance between remaining approachable and friendly but not getting too involved in personality clashes between staff. Remember that you’re the boss and you need to earn the respect of your employees.

If there’s a problem, address it and don’t let a negative atmosphere have a negative effect on customers.

Regular Staff Meetings

Regular staff meetings give your employees the chance to air their grievances and also the opportunity to put forward their ideas, making them feel part of a team. Listen to your staff and respect their input.

Addressing Problems

If a complaint is made against a member of staff, listen to their side of the story before making judgements. Creative types can also be over-sensitive, but you are also working in an environment which attracts some very difficult customers, so don’t automatically assume your employee is to blame. Find ways to appease unhappy customers while listening to a stylist’s viewpoint. Mistakes can be made. Use a difficult situation to give support to your staff and help them learn and grow.


Training programmes not only educate your staff and help them progress in their careers, but also shows that you value them. Training programmes are a worthy investment that help your salon flourish so organise them and encourage your staff to attend.

In-house training days are also a great idea for improving knowledge and building confidence and relationships between your staff.

A reliable salon appointment management software can help you effectively manage your customer appointments while remaining organised and focused on your business. For more information, contact SaloniQ today or visit us online.

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