Christmas Shopping Event 2019

2 September 2019

Christmas Planner 

For some it’s their favourite time of the year, a time to get all your family and fiends together, laugh lots and enjoy the festive season. 

Christmas countdown has begun for lots of stores around the world already, so let’s get together and make this the best Christmas you have ever had. 

I don’t know about you but I know for me I love to be organised – there isn’t a better feeling in having everything in place with plenty of time to spare.

Gone are the days of wrapping products together and wrapping them in some cellophane – it is a lovely touch but doesn’t make you stand out from the crowds.

Have you ever thought about doing a VIP shopping event?

If this idea has crossed your mind but you haven’t actually been organised enough to do it then this year is your year to have the best VIP shopping even tin your town. 

Be sure to get your whole team behind it and why not throw around some fun ideas as a team and brain storm the evening from beginning to end. 

What do you do on a Shopping Event?

It is the perfect opportunity to invite your regular clients that you have looked after through out 2019 and supported you. Spoil them with mulled wine and mince pies and maybe a cheeky small goody bag if your budget can stretch to it. 

  • It’s a great idea to get all your Christmas gift sets out, hairdryers, straighteners and gift cards stocked and looking festive. This will give you a great head start in boosting your retail before the Christmas madness starts.
  • Offer dry styling lessons for Christmas parties.
  • Why not have an incentive fo those that do attend the VIP event that if they come and book an appointment on the night they receive a complimentary £5 / £10 gift card to spend in the New Year.
  •  Support other local businesses in your area such as 
  • Jewellers
  • Candle makers
  • Accessories
  • Christmas cards and crafts
  • Preserves such as jam, chutney and marmalade
  • Put on a mini fashion show or why don’t you, spend 30 mins before the VIP evening and do each others hair, really show off your creativity on each other. 
  • Christmas raffle draw – perfect for a little give away and to create a bit more interest.

Inviting your top spenders can be a great start to sending out the invites. Lookout for the email in how to find your top spenders on Salon iQ. If you haven’t looked at this before, I bet you will be surprised at a couple of them on there. 

Start your prep in September 

Take a look at your appointment book for last year – focus on November as this will be slightly quieter for you than December. Many of us are starting our Christmas shopping much earlier to even the first or second week or November could be good. 

Clients love to feel special so inviting your clients to a VIP event will make their day. 

It is a good idea to have your shopping event early evening, starting around 6pm / 7pm and lasting for around 2.5 hours or so. 

Gather a list of all your reps that you currently do business with – invite them along to the evening, give them the time frame and if you are doing a raffle why not ask them to see if they can donate a Christmas gift too?

Send out your invites – do this in advance I’d recommend around 4-6 weeks. This doesn’t have to be costly by post. Why not create the perfect festive invite via email? You can get lots of templates and images online to help you make it look great.

Perhaps you could do it as a ‘Save the date’ if you do opt for getting the word out there 6-8 weeks hard of the date, the you will more than likely you want to send out a further email much closer to the day to remind your clients – perhaps 7 – 10 days before, followed by a text 48 hours before.

Decorate your salon and make it feel Christmasy, burn cinnamon and fig candles and get your mood lighting right with various lights. Christmas music in the background would also add a little bit of festive spirit. 

Keep an eye out for the next blog posts on Christmas preparation

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